CME is offered by the Built Environment and Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences. Unique by research-driven and project-oriented approach to education.
Construction Management & Engineering (CME) Master at TU/e explores the area between 'construction engineering' and 'scientific management and economics'. It focuses on managing and implementing information processes, emphasizing smart cities & buildings grounded in societal challenges (e.g., climate change, energy transition, circular economy, digital twinning). It looks at:
• City Information Management (CIM)
considering urban informatics (e.g., geospatial data, sensor data, 3D city data), creating virtual representations of cities with real-time connections to the physical world and its residents, catering to various stakeholders (e.g., municipalities, citizens, architects, planners, engineers, companies) to make informed decisions using urban analytics in smart cities.
• Building Information Management (BIM)
managing information throughout the building life cycle, improving the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Operation, and Demolishment process, using both static data (e.g., building models, point clouds) and dynamic data (e.g., sensor data, IoT) to create digital twins of buildings and its occupants and process data employing AI technology in smart buildings.